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The Leader in YOU !
7 Steps to Unlocking Your Potential
30 Years of Marine Corps Leadership and Experience simplified into
7 Steps that can change your life ...
" You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless - YOU - change "   Les Brown

What Is The Leader In You ?
The Leader in YOU is not just another “how to book” on leadership.
It is NOT about leading people more effectively
--yet these steps will help you TAP INTO your inherent leadership skills, which will cause others to seek out your leadership. 
It is NOT about the HOW TO's of leading a large team or organization
--yet these steps will help you TAP INTO YOUR POTENTIAL to become the leader you are destined to be.
The Leader In YOU is a BLUEPRINT  to Unlocking Your Potential for success in any part of your life.
If you are like most people, I bet you'd like more out of life than you are currently experiencing.  Maybe you are not having the success in all of the areas of your life that you desire.  Perhaps you are not completely satisfied with your progress in life.  Are you doing what you want to do in life?  Or do you want more, want to do more, be more?  What's limiting you?  What's getting in your way?  What's holding you back?  Although there can be many answers to those questions, the key component to answering each, is YOU !   The Leader In You will provide you with answers you need to UNLOCK YOUR POTENTIAL and live the life you were meant to live.
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The Leader
In YOU !
Inside Of This Book, Here Are A Few Of The Steps That You'll Be Given ...
  • First and foremost, any change that you want to have in your life must first begin IN YOUR MIND...    
  • The Universe is a Supportive Universe, and you need to FOCUS on what you want instead of what you don't want
  • Once you truly recognize the possibilities of a BETTER YOU, then and only then, will you begin to see all the OPPORTUNITIES that have been in front of you the whole time …
  • What are YOU thinking about?  Remember, THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS ...
  • How what you see on a day to day basis affects your every day life …
  • Understand, that in any conversation, you can never say the right thing to the WRONG PERSON or the wrong thing to the RIGHT PERSON.   Who are you speaking with? …
  • Every wrong turn in life, simply places you on another path to success
  • Your life is bigger than any one experience.  There is no such thing as FAILURE.   Failure is just that thing trying to move you in another direction
  • The one thing that I know will NEVER change, is that CHANGE WILL HAPPEN ...
  • The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is, successful people Believe and act on their dreams. Others, take the dream that GOD has given them and wait for HIM to make it a reality...
  •  If you are not actively programming your mind, Someone is programming it for you...
  • You cannot teach what you do not know, you cannot lead where you are not willing to go and if you want to see change, you have to become the change that you hope to see...
  • Our Minds are like super computers with unlimited storage.  We only change our minds when provided new information...
  • Circumstances don't make the man, they only reveal them to himself.   There can be no growth without struggle, and thus there can be NO TESTIMONY WITHOUT A TEST ! 
  • Happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we want, but rather from recognizing and appreciating what we already have...
  • You don't learn what you hear, you learn what you retain!​ Unfortunately, most people don't retain the information they need because they have convinced themselves they are ok where they are at, and thus, they BLOCK THEIR BLESSINGS..
  • If you call yourself a leader, look behind you.  If there is no one there, then you are just taking a walk
  • Choose goals so big, that you become a better person in the process.​ Give up who you are in the moment, so you can be prepared for the blessings that await you in the future.  Don't live your life looking through the rear view mirror, focus on all there is to see through the front windshield of your life.  The past is the past, learn from it and move on.   The present is what you made it, based on your yesterday and your tomorrow will be based on what you do today!
We were put here to live a life of abundance.  The only thing preventing you, is you!
And That's JUST a glimpse into what you will get out of this book.  30 years of Marine Corps Leadership and life experiences simplified into 7 Steps to Unlocking Your Potential
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Well, there are actually a few reasons...

1. Its my way of saying thank you for supporting my vision of helping others.

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3. I simply get to place one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other products and services from me in the future, making it a WIN for you and a Win for me,  and well... to be completely honest, I just want you to think I'm cool. :-) ....

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Complimentary vacation Now 

Thanks for taking the time to visit my page and order my book.  I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Veney Cochran
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